‘Simply Unique - Giovanna Oliveira’
So here it is, our ‘Simply Unique’ story. In September last year I applied ‘Tilly White Photography’ to feature in an addition of ‘Simply Unique Magazine’. I was selected to not only feature in their September Issue, but to be the photographer for the cover model.
It get’s better, as October is ‘Down Syndrome Awareness month’, Simply Unique decided to dedicate this edition to the brilliant cause. A model call was put out to the public via social media and we were overwhelmed with the applicants. There were so many incredible little faces and stories to choose from. We narrowed them down based on age mainly. The lovely lady at Simply Unique sent me the profile of a little girl that just sparkled. She was smiley, cute as a button and full of character. Amongst all of the wonderful stories, we just couldn’t let this beautiful little girl go! Ladies and gentlemen, introducing you to Giovanna Da Costa Oliveira!!!!!!
Once Giovanna had been selected I immediately messaged her mummy to introduce myself and find out a little more about their family. Her messages filled me with happiness, she was so warming and happy!
It turned out that the family lived 4 hours drive away, but literally nothing was going to stop them! The fact they would travel all of those miles showed me just how much their little angel meant to them.
Mama and Dad’s words -
’ Giovanna is a gorgeous little girl that is very cheeky, funny and stubborn. She has the most amazing beautiful smile. She is perfect in every way.
If you saw Giovanna today, you would not believe what she has been through…With 5 years of her life she has won many battles over 9 surgeries and showed that with love and faith everything is possible. Her energy and brightness are absolutely contagious, wherever she goes she leaves her mark, conquering everyone around her! And she has always broken paradigms and showed that a child with DS is like any other, with dreams, challenges, achievements and feelings. We are very proud of her, our little WARRIOR.
Everyday I see you growing and becoming this beautiful girl who has such a bright and happy future ahead. I know that you’re going to do amazing things. You always proved everyone wrong who called her “limited”, because of limited you have absolutely NOTHING! I hope that one day people will REALLY put aside the prejudice to see that Down syndrome is just one more chromosome of MUCH LOVE”
I had shopped for outfits in blue and yellow (down syndrome awareness colours), and shoot day had arrived. I was nervous and excited to meet this family!!! They had traveled so far and I just wanted their experience to be as special as possible. I felt so privileged!
Giovanna has 2 older brothers, Lucas and Matheus, and the 3 of them together were just bursting with love and happiness. They will forever be my favourite family!!!!
In her Mama’s own words “Her energy and brightness are absolutely contagious”. The word ‘contagious’ is perfect!
Her personality shone above any other child and I just couldn’t stop interacting with her. Having only spent around an hour with her, these are just a few of her traits that I picked up on - joyful, sassy, strong, loving, funny, comical, cheeky…..
I thought about this family and was on on a total high for weeks. I could have just scooped up Giovanna and taken her home!!!! Im not going to say anymore, and just let the images talk you through our session…after all, that’s what I do best.